GitHub, Pull Requests, and ReadTheDocs

This lesson will walk through the powerful combination of two Web sites – for collaboratively editing documents, and for hosting documentation and workshop Web sites. You’re probably all familiar with either GitHub or a similar code-hosting Web site, BitBucket; ReadTheDocs is what we use to host this site, and it’s based around the Sphinx documentation generator. Sphinx is used to build the Python documentation, among other things.

Alternatives: You could do very similar things with Markdown and github pages, or a variety of other systems. The overall workflow is largely the same, however!

Learning goals:

At the end of this lesson, students will understand:

  • forking, online editing, and pull requests on github;

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • connect a sphinx site to readthedocs;
  • collaboratively update sphinx sites through pull requests;

The lesson

author:Titus Brown
date:Aug 28, 2015
  1. Go to and click “Fork” in the upper right.

    Save this URL - this is YOUR ANGUS REPOSITORY.

  2. Go to and set up a ReadTheDocs site for YOUR ANGUS REPOSITORY.

    1. Log in
    2. Select “import a project”;
    3. Click “connect to github”;
    4. Authorize the application;
    5. Click “Import a github repository”;
    6. Click “Sync projects;”
    8. Click “create”;
    9. Change the name to ‘angus-USERNAME’;
    10. click “next”;

    Now, view the docs (upper right) and change the URL from ‘latest’ to ‘stable’. This is YOUR ANGUS READTHEDOCS site.

  3. (Everybody wait while Titus adds something to ngs-docs/angus/.)

  4. Merge in Titus’s update into their own repository.

    2. Click “Compare” (above file listing, to the right); You should see “nothing to compare”.
    3. Click on “switching the base”;
    4. Click “Create pull request”;
    5. Click “Create pull request” again;
    6. Click “Merge pull request”;
    7. Click “Confirm merge”
  5. Everyone should now be able to see MY change at YOUR ANGUS REPOSITORY, and, after a few minutes, at YOUR ANGUS READTHEDOCS SITE.

  6. Now, everybody fix something in YOUR ANGUS REPOSITORY.

    1. Go find a file you want to edit (suggest week3.rst, add affiliation);
    2. Edit, commit.
    3. Wait for YOUR ANGUS READTHEDOCS SITE to update.
  7. Submit a pull request.

    1. Go to a directory view in YOUR ANGUS REPOSITORY.
    2. Click “compare”;
    3. Click “Create pull request”;
    4. Click “Create pull request” again;
  8. (Wait for Titus to merge in your pull request.)

  9. Changes will now appear on the main angus RTD site

  10. WINNAGE.

A short guide to creating your own Sphinx repository

Create a virtualenv:

python -m virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate

Install sphinx:

pip install sphinx

Create a new directory for your docs:

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

Run sphinx-quickstart:


(accept default for most questions; answer those you can’t.)


make html

Marvel at the contents of _build/html/index.html.

Now, put into git:

git init
git add Makefile index.rst
git commit -am "initial commit"

Go to github, create a new github repo, and follow the instructions to “push an existing repository from the command line”.

Then connect that repository to ReadTheDocs as above.

LICENSE: This documentation and all textual/graphic site content is licensed under the Creative Commons - 0 License (CC0) -- fork @ github. Presentations (PPT/PDF) and PDFs are the property of their respective owners and are under the terms indicated within the presentation.
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