Using GitHub repositories to store your scripts

First, create a new repository

Go to, sign in, and select “New repository”.


Second, name your repository.

Something like ‘rnaseq-scripts’ is fine! Be sure to check the ‘initialize’ box.


Third, clone your repository

Get your GitHub repository url ( is mine, in this example);


Then, on your remote UNIX machine, do:

git clone

This will create a new directory named rnaseq-scripts with a single ‘` file in it.

Fourth, add, commit, and push scripts

The following commands are useful:

  • git add script.txt will add the file script.txt into your local git repository.
  • git commit -am "some message" will save the latest version of the script into your local git repository
  • git push origin will send your committed versions to github, where they will be safe.

Other commands:

  • git log will show you your history.
  • git pull will update your command-line repository from your GitHub account.

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